3D Laser Scanning
Equinox creates exceptionally accurate 3D models of brownfield facilities – rapidly and cost effectively. Our 3D scanning capabilities dramatically reduces the field time required to accurately as-build a facility.
Compared to the traditional method of marking up old P&IDs and Plots Plans (if they are available) and taking hand measurements, 3D scanning allows the digital information to create a point cloud image which can be directly converted to a 3D model. The model is accurate to +/- 3 mm.
- Exceptionally economic to develop complete 3D model of brownfield facilities (Allows 3D model for twinning or expanding plant to integrate to original facility)
- Cost and Schedule Reduction
- Efficiently capture all measurements for equipment, piping, electrical, structural
- Field tie-ins accurate within 3 mm accuracy
- 3D Scanning and Modelling cost is similar or LESS than traditional as-building
- 3D Scanning and Modelling accuracy is better than traditional as-building
- Eliminate return visits to site
- 3D model viewable by all (operators in field use the same model as head office engineering)
- MOC work within large operating facilities – safe, efficient, cost-effective
- Central Processing Facilities
- Gas Plants, Oil Batteries
- Multiwell pad expansions
- Management of Change projects
- Sustaining Capital projects
- On skid modifications
- Pipeline Routing (above ground steam & emulsion)